
Harkaitz Cano-k idatzitako fabula bat Zirriborroak eta gero proiekturako.

Client: Borradores del futuro. AZALA

Year: 2020

In all territories, more and more people, groups and organisations are activating individual or collective responses to the challenges we face: ecological, economic, cultural, social, etc. These responses are what we call drafts of the future, concrete utopias, prototypes, alternatives. They tend to be marginal, not very visible, and small in size.

These sketches of possible societies are developed in a world in which the stories about the future are mostly dystopias, stories of a catastrophic future, which effectively warn about the dangers we face, but tend to paralyse the movement. If the future is the announced chronicle of a failure, why devote time and energy to building other models?

In this context, it is necessary to activate channels of transmission of real initiatives anchored in a territory. Building fictions and imaginaries around them is one way of doing it. To this end, Borradores del futuro invites authors to speculate about existing alternatives, creating speculative narratives that allow us to glimpse what would happen in a more or less distant future if these alternatives were to expand.

Between 2018 and 2022, a collection of ten drafts for future changes was created, a guide to real and imagined actions. They were built in Álava and Gipuzkoa. Other stories, driven by other agents, are already travelling to other geographies.


Rosa Valverde eta Kutxak


39 lore